How Does Financial Protection Change for Different Life Stages?

While financial protection products are not particularly complicated, the range of options available can sometimes be a little daunting.

13th June 2024

How can you decide which type of cover you need, how much to insure for, and which optional extras to include?
Your protection needs will depend on several factors, such as:

While every situation is different, most people find that their requirements evolve over time. A young professional with no dependents has very different needs from a retired person who wants to pass on wealth to their family.

In this guide, we look at the various life stages and the types of protection that may be most suitable.

Starting Out
When you are starting out in your career, you probably don’t have too many responsibilities. Most young professionals rent their homes, so they don’t have a mortgage to worry about.

They probably don’t have anyone depending on them financially. The average age for buying a property in the UK is 341, and the average age for having a first child is 30.9 for mothers and 33.7 for fathers2.

This doesn’t mean that people in their twenties don’t need financial protection. There are still bills to pay and a retirement to save for.

The main financial risk for a young professional is the possibility of becoming ill and unable to work. Fortunately, there are ways of addressing this risk.

Income Protection
Income protection provides a tax-free monthly income if you can’t work for health reasons. A wide range of options is available, for example:

As income protection can be one of the more expensive insurances, it is worth setting this up as early as possible. Premiums will only rise as you get older, particularly if you develop any health issues.

While a full-term, indexed plan with maximum cover and guaranteed premiums provides the most comprehensive protection, budget should also be taken into account. A lower level of cover is better than no cover at all.

Protecting Your Mortgage
When you buy your first property, you will need to ensure that the mortgage can still be covered even if something happens to you.

Life Cover
A life insurance plan will pay out a lump sum in the event of your death.

Most mortgage protection plans decrease every year, on the assumption that the mortgage will also reduce.

Critical Illness
A critical illness plan will pay out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a serious illness. The condition must be specifically covered by the policy.

Critical illness can be bought on its own, but it can be better value to include life cover as well.

Remember that most life with critical illness plans will pay out on the first event only. If you receive a lump sum in respect of a critical illness, no additional benefits can be paid if you subsequently die.

Time to Review
As your outgoings increase, it may also be worth checking that your income protection plan provides enough cover and that it offers the best value.

Supporting Your Family
If you have a family to take care of, it is unlikely that protecting your mortgage alone will be enough. You should also consider:

Time to Review
When you have a family, it’s often a good idea to substantially increase your life cover to ensure that your family will be financially comfortable if anything happens to you. It may also be worth reviewing your critical illness cover.

You should also consider placing your life cover in trust. This will ensure that any payout will be outside your estate and can be distributed to your beneficiaries more quickly.

Leaving a Legacy
As your mortgage is cleared and your children become more independent, financial protection may become less of a priority. But financial protection could still benefit you if:

Time to Review
At retirement, you may find that you are paying for insurances you no longer need. You might also feel that a whole-of-life plan suits your requirements more than a soon-to-expire term assurance.

Retirement is an excellent time for a full financial review.

Please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the team if you would like to find out more about your protection options.



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